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Geophysical Softwares

  1. Seismic Un*x (Unix/Linux and Windows with Cygwin)

  2. Madagascar: Geophysical data analysis

  3. Geophysics source codes from SEG

  4. CSM Softwares

  5. CREWES Softwares (From Univ of Calgary)

  6. SeismicLab (Seismic data processing package from Univ of Alberta)

  7. GISMO: Matlab tools for seismic waveform analysis (Univ of Alaska)

  8. FreeUSP (Seismic processing and Signal analysis software from BP-Amoco)

  9. Seismological softwares from ORFEUS

  10. Kogeo seismic toolkit

  11. RayInvr (2-D raytracing and traveltime inversion of wide-angle data, Unix/Linux based)

  12. Seiswide (RayInvr with GUI, Windows based)

  13. FAST: Fast arrival traveltime tomography (3-D traveltime tomography/inversion, Unix/Linux based)

  14. JIVE3D (Joint traveltime tomography/inversion of MCS and wide-angle reflection/refractions, Unix/Linux based)

  15. IGeoS - Integrated GeoScience data analysis

  16. USGS Softwares (Earthquake related)

  17. IRIS Softwares (Earthquake related)

  18. SAC - Seismic Analysis Code

  19. STK - Seismic ToolKit (Seismic data processing software)

  20. GMT: Generic maping tools (Unix/Linux and Windows)

  21. OCTAVE (Free MATLAB-like software, can run Matlab codes, Unix/Linux based)

  22. GNUPLOT: (data/function plotting software)

  23. Wiki List of Free Softwares